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AKAI MPC1000 - External Drum Module

2008.08.28. 04:30 | hagyjálmár | Szólj hozzá!

Drum modules suck. Really they do unless you have one priced over 4000$. They don't sound good enough. Or at least they don't sound as good as drums in the Akai MPC 1000. They also have small memory. Unless you have one priced over 4000$ of course. If you have a cheap drum module you can hook it up with your MPC.

Load the samples you want to trigger with the module to the MPC. Hook up the devices with a midi cable. Be sure to have the drum module switched on later otherwise it wont recognize the Akai. Check the midi notes that are triggered by your pads you want to use. The MPC starts to count the midi notes from 36 or something. Most drum modules start lower with the kick. So it's possible that you have to set your kick and snare and all the other midi notes on your drum module to a note that the MPC can recognize (38,39 for example). You create a new program and put the proper samples on the proper midi notes. There. You have your live electronic drummer with Akai sound.

Címkék: szekvenszer audio drum szinti sequencer mpc sampler akai module dobmodul

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